
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year 2005

Today was New Year's Eve. We spent the day relaxing, well, I relaxed, Bill worked on cutting some briars outside...ok, I didn't relax either, I was exercising on my mini-trampoline, Playing Queen music really loud and doing jumping jacks, hoping no one would come to the door!

Ok, after that we went to Teresa and Roberts for a spaghetti dinner. Greg and Gary (Robert's son) was there too. I took a salad and some cinnamon rolls. Gosh, it was so good. We were acting silly..here is a picture of Bill trying on Robert's new glasses...he looks like Ray Charles...ha ha..Robert took a picture of my butt with a wide angle lens...like I need that!.

After dinner we went to McMackin House where they had a live comedian, Wynn Reichart, he was very funny and also sang some funny songs. Patty and Mark joined us there too.

At midnight we had champagne, funny hats, noise makers and streamers to bring in the year 2005. Teresa and Robert had those silly 2005 glasses.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Back to our lives in a troubled world

So we try to get back to our normal lives.......

Mom and Kent came over for supper tonight. We had a nice visit. I don't get to see my brother often enough, so it was nice to spend the evening with him.

More and more deaths and horrible stories. Some parts of the island of Sri Lanka can not be reached, all roads are destroyed. They have been showing arial views of the islands, before and after the tsunami. It is very disturbing and sad.

Monday, December 27, 2004

A sad day in the universe...

Today we awoke to terrible news. A huge tsunami his 7 south asian countries in the Indian ocean. Hundreds of thousands of casualties are expected. There has been video and stories too horrible to repeat here. It is the worst natural disaster in the history of the world (at least as far as we know). All anyone can do is pray.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Oh where oh where has my little dog gone?

It's the day after Christmas and we were just having a relaxing day. We let Sally out of her pen for a while to let her run. Bill and I were in the house and I said "I wonder where Sally is?". I opened the front door to see if I could see her and there she was sitting on a little tiny wooden chair, trying to keep her feet dry and out of the snow...what a weinie...
So Bill put the chair in her pen for her and we went in the house....here she is just sitting there in her chair..what a hoot! I took this from the window, she didn't know we were watching her.

And just because...here is a picture of Sally and Bill.

I think I am going to have to chang this dogs name to "Princess", she is such a prima dona!!!

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Oh, Christmas tree...Oh, Christmas tree..

I'm singing because Christmas is now officially over....

We all went to Dona's for dinner again, gosh, so much food, as always. We all visited and had a good time. Here are a few pictures:

Darren and Kent, the evil twins

Mindy and mom

The ever-wonderful couple....lol...

Some Haltermans

More Haltermans

And Trixie says 'Merry Christmas to all and to all an arf arf!'

Friday, December 24, 2004

Christmas Even......ho ho ho

It's Christmas Eve....(so it's almost over!), We went to Dona's for breakfast and the annual christmas pkg. opening. Bill and I always feel bad about this part of Christmas, because we buy NO gifts, and yet Dona insist's on buying us something. Even the other inlaws buy us a little something, like potholders and/or candy. Anyway, the breakfast was delicious and the kids were fun to listen to and watch while they opened their presents. The "kids" are almost completely grown up. melissa is the youngest and is 13. It was cold and snowy, very cold, but there were alot of smiles here.

Here is Melissa, she got to be Santa Claus this year.

Here is some more of the Halterman gang, having a good laugh at Brad's Russian hat..

Amanda always likes funny footwear, so grandma didn't disappoint, this time she go some "E-orrs" (as in Winnie the Pooh), she kept falling over the ears when she was walking in them.
Humor always abounds when Amanda is around (hey,I'm a poet, hee hee)

Brad always like funny shirts too..

"I think I brained my damage"..

Even Trixie got in on the fun.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The magically appearing chickens.

I went to Teresa's today. We picked up her mom and went to lunch at Long John Silvers. We went to Mt. Vernon to the dollar store: Deals. We had so much fun just buying junk. As I was walking around , I would leave the cart with Teresa. Everytime I came back there was some kind of chicken in my part of the cart, a rooster clock, a rooster chicken frame, a lazer clear cube with a rooster in it, just a plain stupid statue of a rooster, a post card with roosters on it....it just went on and on, of course it was that silly Teresa. I did keep a couple of things, but I made her put the rest of the "magically appearing chickens" back where they came from...she is such a nut!

Then she had to go to Walmart...I told her "You have got to be kidding, 4 days before Christmas and you are going in Walmart??". Well, I just stayed in the car, needless to say! She came back in 45 mintues and was just disgusted!!

That was my day with my buddy....

Sunday, December 19, 2004

We are officially Chicken farmers!

What an experience today was!!!! Finally, we have chickens. We went to a smal animal auction in Iola! Lots of rabbits and mostly roosters, but we DID find 3 brown leghorn hens, and a rooster of the same breed. Thy cost us a whole $2.00 each, big purchase. While we were at the auction we ran into a friend of ours from down the road. He told us he had some more laying hens if we wanted them. We went to his house and when we decided what kind we wanted he was trying ot catch them for us. He said he was too old to chase them around, so he got a fish next and caught them in mid-escape mode, meaning they were running, it was hilarious. I have never toughed a chicken except to put it in the pan, so this was a new experience for me. We held them by the feet and put them in our cage. They just hung there looking up at us, too funny and kind of pitiful too! We put all of the chickens in the coop, but Sally wanted one for lunch, Bill had to smack her with his hat and then we had to put boards on the bottom of her fence so that she couldn't dig into the chicken pen....well THIS ought to be interesting! It was really a fun day, even though the high was only 20 degrees and the wind was horendous! The final hoorah was when our rooster "cock-a-doodle-do-ed"....

I talked to Shelly and Cary, they think we are nuts, but I don't care, it's just another fun day with Bill and the chickens!

Friday, December 17, 2004

Christmas at Applebee's

Since everyone has to work on Christmas, we had our family dinner today, but first..........Shelley, Cary, and mom came to our house for breakfast. I even made little menus for everyone. We had a great breakfast and Shelley and Cary stayed until it was time to go to Applebee's. Mom had to leave early to get her hair done. Preston and Kara also came, along with Kelly and her daughter, Ashley...and mom. Preston and Kara bought Bill and I wonderful gifts (even though they were instructed NOT to.) They got me a foot spa, what a treat! There is not enought SPA in my life!. They got Bill and gift card from Menards in Effingham, something he can always use! The "perfect marguaritas" were to die for! We had a great time and kept sitting at the table until we finally got the hint from the waitress that it was TIME TO LEAVE...:-).

Here is everyone at the table, well everyone except ME!

Well, I just don't know what happened to that first picture, it must have shrunk in the dryer!!!
Anyway, here is Preston and I...

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Takin' it easy at mom's house

Went to mom's today. We ran some errands and went to Subway for lunch. Then back to mom's we are still working on our vacation pictures....scrapbooking again. Here are the picture pages I did, mom is one ahead of me! Mom, wait for me.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

The Wedding Day Arrives

Finally the wedding day arrived. It was a horrible cold day. Bill, mom and I drove to Decatur. The ride there was uneventful, except for mom spilling coffee all over her dress! It was okay though, you couldn't see it and she looked lovely all day! The wedding was in the chapel at Decatur Memorial Hospital. It was a beautiful little chapel with tall stained glass windows. Mom and I found Shelley in the banquet hall getting dressed. We took some pictures (one of Shelley's butt) and then we went into the chapel. Cary was there, lookin' all stylin' with his pink pasley tie and his happy face. He thanked us all for being there and so started the tears for some of us. It was time for the wedding party to enter, but there was a "musical malfunction" so Kelly and the best man had to do a speedy entrance and Kelly literally ran to her spot! Everyone was laughing, but we settled down pretty quickly when it was time for my beautiful daughter to enter. She wore a long light pink gown and looked just beautiful (as always). The ceremony was very sweet and intimate and they both looked so happy. There were probably about 40 of us there, so the chapel was almost full. Afterwards there was much picture-taking. Shelley and Cary toured the hospital to see their friends that were working and couldn't attend the wedding, which I thought was really a cool idea.

Here are a few pictures from the wedding.

The reception was at the Pastabilities pasta house. It was really cute and was decorated like an outside cafe only inside. Shelley and Cary cut the cake there....and so we all at and had cake for dessert!

And, my favorite picture.....

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Scrappin' again

Went to mom's today. We wanted to work on our vacation scrapbooking again. We have so much fun doing this. I can't believe I was poo-pooing it, ha!..what did I know?

We had some sandwiches from Subway, then put on the Yanni and Clay Aiken music and had a grand time cuttin', and pastin'. It was over all too soon and I had to come home.

Here are the pages we did today.

Feeling "Cooped" Up?

We finally finished the chicken coop today. We tore down the building next door and used the materials to build our coop. Bill and I had such a fun day working together. We let Sally loose and she had fun chasing the mice in the old building we tore down. At lunch time Bill bought some cheeseburgers and we went to the lake for a picnic.

It was so muddy from the rain that I kept getting stuck in the mud. Seriously, I would try to walk and my feet wouldn't. It was really funny, well, to Bill anyway!

We finished at 4:30. Here is a picture from a few days ago when we just started it. That is how much was done when we started today!

And here is the finished product....looks kinda like Ma and Pa Kettle...but the chickens won't care.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Spongebob squarepants....where are you?

It seems that all of the "Spongbob Squarepants" promotional balloons have been stolen all over the united states. They were all on top of the "Wendy's". It's a conspiracy, I tell ya!

I mean, it's just like tongue piercing........"WHY"...

The media has been full of photos of empty Wendy's roofs, squashed up and deflated spongebob's that were returned. Spongbob balloons tied on the bridges of the interstate! What is the world coming to?

Alas, the thieves must have had a guilty conscious...the spongebob's are slowely being returned.

Can ya tell that nothing much happened here today????

Sunday, December 05, 2004

The Shanendoah choo choo

Today we were at the Christmas tree farm. We were NOT busy, so I took a few pictures. There is nothing to report when all we did all day was just sit and wait....and wait....and wait...I will be glad when this is over. Anyway, here is the train that takes the customer out into the christmas tree forest. Some little girls in santa hats saw me taking thier picture and gave me a smile. Hey, it was even WARM...bah hum bug!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Chain, chain, chain....

Ok, lame title.....

We worked on the chicken coupe today. Helped mom hook up her tv, vcr, dvd, etc on her new entertainment center. Watched "The Apprentice". She fed us and we came home and started making a chain thingy to go on my lamp by the computer. Yes, I am bored.

Here is a picture of it. That's all I got.