
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

We are officially Chicken farmers!

What an experience today was!!!! Finally, we have chickens. We went to a smal animal auction in Iola! Lots of rabbits and mostly roosters, but we DID find 3 brown leghorn hens, and a rooster of the same breed. Thy cost us a whole $2.00 each, big purchase. While we were at the auction we ran into a friend of ours from down the road. He told us he had some more laying hens if we wanted them. We went to his house and when we decided what kind we wanted he was trying ot catch them for us. He said he was too old to chase them around, so he got a fish next and caught them in mid-escape mode, meaning they were running, it was hilarious. I have never toughed a chicken except to put it in the pan, so this was a new experience for me. We held them by the feet and put them in our cage. They just hung there looking up at us, too funny and kind of pitiful too! We put all of the chickens in the coop, but Sally wanted one for lunch, Bill had to smack her with his hat and then we had to put boards on the bottom of her fence so that she couldn't dig into the chicken pen....well THIS ought to be interesting! It was really a fun day, even though the high was only 20 degrees and the wind was horendous! The final hoorah was when our rooster "cock-a-doodle-do-ed"....

I talked to Shelly and Cary, they think we are nuts, but I don't care, it's just another fun day with Bill and the chickens!

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