
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

The Wedding Day Arrives

Finally the wedding day arrived. It was a horrible cold day. Bill, mom and I drove to Decatur. The ride there was uneventful, except for mom spilling coffee all over her dress! It was okay though, you couldn't see it and she looked lovely all day! The wedding was in the chapel at Decatur Memorial Hospital. It was a beautiful little chapel with tall stained glass windows. Mom and I found Shelley in the banquet hall getting dressed. We took some pictures (one of Shelley's butt) and then we went into the chapel. Cary was there, lookin' all stylin' with his pink pasley tie and his happy face. He thanked us all for being there and so started the tears for some of us. It was time for the wedding party to enter, but there was a "musical malfunction" so Kelly and the best man had to do a speedy entrance and Kelly literally ran to her spot! Everyone was laughing, but we settled down pretty quickly when it was time for my beautiful daughter to enter. She wore a long light pink gown and looked just beautiful (as always). The ceremony was very sweet and intimate and they both looked so happy. There were probably about 40 of us there, so the chapel was almost full. Afterwards there was much picture-taking. Shelley and Cary toured the hospital to see their friends that were working and couldn't attend the wedding, which I thought was really a cool idea.

Here are a few pictures from the wedding.

The reception was at the Pastabilities pasta house. It was really cute and was decorated like an outside cafe only inside. Shelley and Cary cut the cake there....and so we all at and had cake for dessert!

And, my favorite picture.....

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