To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained.........
no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.
Christmas Even......ho ho ho
It's Christmas Eve....(so it's almost over!), We went to Dona's for breakfast and the annual christmas pkg. opening. Bill and I always feel bad about this part of Christmas, because we buy NO gifts, and yet Dona insist's on buying us something. Even the other inlaws buy us a little something, like potholders and/or candy. Anyway, the breakfast was delicious and the kids were fun to listen to and watch while they opened their presents. The "kids" are almost completely grown up. melissa is the youngest and is 13. It was cold and snowy, very cold, but there were alot of smiles here.
Here is Melissa, she got to be Santa Claus this year.
Here is some more of the Halterman gang, having a good laugh at Brad's Russian hat..
Amanda always likes funny footwear, so grandma didn't disappoint, this time she go some "E-orrs" (as in Winnie the Pooh), she kept falling over the ears when she was walking in them.
Humor always abounds when Amanda is around (hey,I'm a poet, hee hee)
Brad always like funny shirts too..
"I think I brained my damage"..
Even Trixie got in on the fun.
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