
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Einstein and the rest

We were very tired from our adventures this week. Sylvia had to return to work, so Kim, mom and I just stayed home and relaxed. So. here is a picture of Einstein.....

Kim and Sylvia's house is beautiful, so here is a picture of it too. The patio and garden area in back is also gorgeous.

Later that evening Sylvia's daughter, Amy and her husband and kids came for supper, also ex-son-in-law and his two kids. We had a great time, they were all so funny and interesting. Mom and I told stories on Kim and Kent.

Here are the grand kids acting silly down stairs. Kayla was sick, but smiled for me anyway.

Back home in one day...Bill, I miss you bunches...

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