
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

The Meeting of the minds...

Today was a very special day. Finally after 5 years of emails and phone calls I met my internet friend, Linda McAlvey. We had the best time ever! Linda came with her sister and we had coffee and laughed and talked like old friends. She was much prettier than her pictures and was just as funny as I thought she would be. She brought me a sweet little candle gift, which I will cherish. The funniest thing?..we are built just alike....I think she is my soul sister...only a white girl...ha ha..

We are waiting for Sylvia to come home and are having pork chops for supper. Tomorrow we are going to Sylvia's office and then to the airport for the flight home. We have had such a wonderful time. Kim and Sylvia have been the perfect hosts. There is no way I can repay them for their hospitality and thoughtfulness. All I can say to them is thank you very much for the best vacation ever.

Here is a picture of Mom, me, Linda and Brenda...

Hugs to Linda and Kim and Sylvia

Bill, if you're reading this...Linda says to tell you hello too!...I'm missin' ya...be home soon....*kisses and hugs*.

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