
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Alma Fall Festival

 Elmo stopped by the Alma Fall Festival today, looks like he found a friend.
 Two of my face painting "clients" riding the merry-go-round in the rain.
 Everything was going pretty well until it started raining about noon...
 Pumpkin decorating contest.
 And a collage of a few of the kids I painted today.
What an interesting day! Today was the Alma Fall Festival, and it was really well planned and had lots of things for everyone to do, but then, OF COURSE, it has to rain about lunch time for over an hour Did I say rained, it poured.. I was painting faces, and they just kept standing in line in the rain, so I kept painting. One girl waited on her brother with an umbrella and one grandma put a plastic bag over her grand daughter's head..lol..Bill came and we had lunch in the community building and then it stopped raining. OMG, I was so busy, did about 40 faces today! They weren't all full faces, most of them were. Finally, lots of people came, live music, pumpkin decorating contest, best pie contest, and then they auctioned off pies, cakes and cookies...there were other things going on and many vendors, but I am clueless because I was concentrating on what I was doing. All in all I enjoyed the day and made some money too.

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