
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Michigan vacation - Day 1-Windmill Island Gardens

Hello, friends, we are in Holland, Michigan on our vacation. We did lots of driving to get here,but we spent the day at the Wind Mill Gardens Island, where they have an actual working windmill, that we got to tour, it is 160 feet tall, Then we got to step out on the railed in area and see how the windmill works. They are usually actually making flour, but there was not enough wind today. We got to see some little "Dutch" girls do some wooden shoe dancing. They even had wooden shoes in the gift shop. Anyway, had a nice day, and here's just a couple of pictures. Going to see some lighthouses on Lake Michigan tomorrow...have a good night all.
A beautiful ornate organ that worked like a player piano, very cool.

The workings of the organ

Lots of beautiful gardens

A working windmill still used to grind flour.

Some of the windmill guides

Showing us how they used to grind flour with a grinding wheel.

They were performing authentic dutch wooden show dances.

In case you wanted your own wooden shoes

An indoor carousel

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