
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The Spaghetti Factor

..Today was just another day of working in the yard, the trailer and the house, getting ready to go to Relleke every weekend in October.
The only funny thing that happend today is this:

Bill decided to do some weed eating before supper. I was making spaghetti and was making some grilled garlic bread on the stove, I used real butter and it started smoking, before I could get if off of the stove the fire alarms started going off...Bill came in the door immediately...and his comment was: "I heard the fire alarms and knew that supper was ready"....well, "ain't" he just a comedian?..Ha ha...I am laughing...NOT!

In a way, I kind of got revenge. I didn't MEAN to get revenge, but, you know, when you are using a weedeater for any length of time that even when you turn it off your arm keeps vibrating, well, it was really funny to see him try to keep the spaghetti on his fork!!... To Bill." Ha Ha, back at ya".

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