
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

The Bee's Knees

Back to Relleke today....we were very busy! Income for the day was a record for one day of all of the events we have worked at.

We were, however, plagued by bees. The smell of the suger and lemons from the shake ups drew them. They never stung us, all they did was flutter around. This will probably sound strange, but somehow I felt a connection with them. I kept having to go outside to get soda, and they were everywhere....they were landing on me, but never even offering to sting. They just buzzed their wings softly on my cheek and landed in my hair...ok, yeah,...I'm weird...but I just felt that all they wanted was the sugar, so I made some shakeups and set them outside the back of the trailer away from the door. Soon the cups were full of bees, and only a few drifted inside after that.

It was a beautiful day and everyone was having a great time! The Opera singing ladies were singing their hearts out, little kids were running around with balloon animals on their heads, faces painted, parents had wheel barrows of pumpkins and gourds and good food was enjoyed by all! I love the atmosphere there, it is always such fun.

Relleke is a charitable event, each week money goes to some charity. This week it was the Back Stoppers, teaching children about fire safety. They have a small house that they catch on "Fire" and let the children go in so they can show them how to escape. The kids love it. If they take the little fire safety course, they get a fireman's hat. Their mascot was there, a huge "Balloon" fireman and was running around and dancing. Bill just cracked up at the dancing Balloon fireman! He just kept looking at him and laughing......I think he needs professional help Bill, not the balloon fireman).

At the end of the day we had alot of corndogs left...So I was yelling at people going by?

"Corndogs are only $1.00.....please buy one so we can go home"!..

We sold all but a few...I think I am turning into a true carny...

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