
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Curly Fry Eye

Today we were at Relleke Pumpkinfest again. Everything was as always. Music, food, screaming kids!...we worked our tushies off! Bill ended the day with a bad case of Curly Fry Eye....(steam from the curly fries going into eye)..this is a newly discovered ailment..ha ha.

Anyhoo, this was the weekend for the Pioneer Re-inactment people. It is always very interesting to see the authentic costumes and dwellings.

Not much more to report since all we did was WORK!

They camel guy was still there with his camels to ride...

And here we are in the pumkin patch where you can pick your own pumpkin.

We had a nice crowd today.

And, just for fun...really like this couple's tent and costumes....they had a camp fire going so there is smoke that makes the picture look cloudy....

OK, it is now 2007 and I was going back through my old posts, because I had changed the background from black to gold and was fixing the fonts that were too light to read...and I discover that I have also deleted some pictures from photobucket that went with these posts, so just use your imagination........you know, "crowd" "pumpkin patch", imaginary people....

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